Researchers have found that doctors of chiropractic can significantly improve neck pain, balance, and headaches in chronic neck pain patients by strengthening the deep neck flexors, or the muscles that attach directly to the front of the cervical spine. We also know that treatments that promote movement such as spinal manipulation, when rendered early-on, can results in better outcomes for the whiplash patient. Therefore, the “key” to the greatest success is chiropractic adjustments + cervical range of motion exercises + cervical stabilization exercises + lumbar/pelvis stabilization exercises! Traditionally, “rest and heat” are commonly prescribed for neck pain patients, or worse, they are placed in a cervical collar and taken off work and told to rest. The evidence published, especially since 2008, STRONGLY disagrees with this approach favoring a treatment plan that incorporates motion, “usual” activity (including work), manipulation, and exercise as soon as possible. Chiropractic embraces not only spinal manipulation but also patient specific range-of-motion and strengthening/stabilization forms of exercises as “main ingredients” to care when patients present for neck pain and headaches.
We realize you have a choice in whom you consider for your health care provision and we sincerely appreciate your trust in choosing our service for those needs. If you, a friend, or family member requires care for neck pain, we would be honored to render our services.
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