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nutritional-analysisCurrently, we provide comprehensive nutritional analysis for potential patients and advise them on the best supplementation from four lines of superb nutritional/supplement systems that are available through our office. These are:

  1. intraMAXContaining over 415 nutrients, IntraMAX are a mineral and nutrient supplement products that are made out of 100% natural liquids. IntraMAX are some of the most scientifically advanced, clinically proven, health promoting organic nutritional supplements available today and since they are100% organic,they are by-far some of the safest. There are no known side affects to IntraMax. The intraMAX system is produced by Drucker Labs.
  2. QIVANAQivana is unique in the industry with the approach to product development. The Qivana founders, in conjunction with world-renown naturopathic physician Dr. Marcus Laux, developed a philosophy that the best approach to physical improvement, core balance and core strength is to utilize multiple products in a systematic approach. It’s a system that not only promotes improved health, but it also promotes long-term activity in our Independent Business Owners and customers alike.We have scoured the earth to find powerful, time-tested ingredients that will deliver the benefits you need. Alone, each ingredient is impressive. But taken together in a synergistic system that complements each product’s attributes, they are nothing short of remarkable.Qivana’s Qore™ System is a practical health regimen created with world-class natural products. The system follows a very simple 3-step philosophy—Stabilize, Vitalize, and Optimize.STABILIZE your intestinal flora daily with Qore™ Probiotics to build immune defense and enhance nutrient absorption.VITALIZE your system daily with Qore™ Essentials, a proprietary blend of proven healing herbs from Asia for enhanced energy and protection.OPTIMIZE your well-being each quarter with a free* body cleansing with Qore™ Detox.
  3. BIOFREEZEBiofreeze Pain Relieving products are the most widely-used and confidently- recommended products by hands-on health professionals for over 15 years. It is the pain reliever of choice for chiropractors, podiatrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists and athletic trainers.
  4. STANDARD PROCESSStandard Process Inc. has been manufacturing Whole Food Supplements Since 1929.

Nutritional Supplement/Product List
(please call 724-935-3300 regarding availability of these and additional supplements/products)

Brand Product Price
Doctor’s Pride Aler-ease $14.00
Doctor’s Pride Calm Tabs “100” $7.00
Doctor’s Pride Charcoal Capsules $9.00
Doctor’s Pride Chelated Calcium $8.00
Doctor’s Pride Clear Nasal Wash $18.00
Doctor’s Pride Gastro Fiber $19.00
Doctor’s Pride L-Arginine $8.00
Doctor’s Pride Liquid Glucosamine $30.00
Doctor’s Pride Liquid Nutrivital $28.00
Doctor’s Pride Liquid Whey Protein $40.00
Doctor’s Pride Meta Trim $14.00
Doctor’s Pride Red Rice Yeast $16.00
Doctor’s Pride Remedy Fem-Forte $10.00
Doctor’s Pride Super Snooze $10.00
Doctor’s Pride Whey Protein $40.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Adrenals $32.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Body Lean $38.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Bone 200 $20.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Children’s Gels $39.00
Chiropractor’s Blend CoQ10 $32.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Fruit Sample-$5 $32.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Greens $35.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Liver Cleanse $25.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Menopausal $28.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Osteo $30.00
Chiropractor’s Blend PH 50 Protein Greens Adv. $44.00
Chiropractor’s Blend Reds $39.00
Meleuca Activate Immune $15.00
Meleuca Nutra View $22.00
Brand Product Price
Extras Back Chair Support $35.00
Extras Biofreeze $12.00
Extras Calm Natural $23.00
Extras Dynamic Allergstop $22.00
Extras Memory Foam Pillow $35.00
Extras Pro DHA $26.00
Extras Pro Co-Q10 $32.00
Extras Pro EPA $28.00
Extras Pro EPA 120 capsules $50.00
Extras Tens Unit $60.00
Extras Vitamin D3 $16.00
Extras IntraMax (1st bottle) $65.00
Extras IntraMax (2nd bottle) $70.00
Extras Pleasant Mood $14.00
Extras Inflam-Ease $13.00
Extras Zinc Pinncele $12.00
Extras Vascu Flow $36.00
Extras Chiro Flow $60.00
Extras Seat Cushion $32.00
Extras Ultra K2D3 $21.00
Extras Qore System $88.00
Extras Pro Omega Liquid $45.00
Extras Nutri Calm $15.00
Extras Formula 303 $12.00
Extras Disc Guard $22.00
Extras Estro Vera $30.00
Extras Cal Ap. Forte $27.00
Extras Vitamin D3 $15.00
Extras Probiotic complete $17.50

Call our Wexford  PA office for initial consultation and/or appointment at 724-935-3300.