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Living with chronic pain is difficult even on the good days; on bad days, it can seem like even the smallest chore is too difficult. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when faced with pain that lasts longer than six months, especially if you have a busy lifestyle or a family to take care of. Your work may be affected, your moods may be unstable, and it can be difficult to find joy in many situations.

However, it’s still possible to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle even with chronic pain. The key is to work with your doctor to find the best ways to manage it, then integrate those methods into your lifestyle. If stress exacerbates the pain, finding ways to remain calm and relaxed will be imperative. In many cases, the right kind of exercise will help chronic pain, but it’s important to do some research before starting any new regimen to avoid injury or making the pain worse.

Keep reading for some tips on how to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle while coping with chronic pain.


Stress is always a factor when it comes to pain, because our physical and mental health are linked. When you’re feeling anxious or worried, it can affect many different areas of the body, so take the time to physically unwind. When you feel the stress piling on, have a plan for coping with it in the moment. You might learn to meditate, or perhaps yoga will help you find balance and relieve some stress. Yoga is often used in conjunction with meditation and mindfulness, which keeps you focused on the present moment while you think consciously about your body, your breath, and your movements.

Pamper yourself

Everyone needs to pamper themselves a bit, and when you’re living with chronic pain, it’s important to find ways to relax and feel good in a healthy way. Whether that means treating yourself to a massage, relaxing in a hot tub, or getting bi-weekly pedicures, look for ways you can help your body feel better.

Know the signs of drug dependency

Many individuals who are living with chronic pain find themselves depending on medication to curb their symptoms, and while it’s perfectly fine to use different methods of treatment, it can easily become a problem. Oxycontin and oxycodone are two of the most addictive substances on the market these days, so it’s imperative that you follow your doctor’s directions for use, only take medications that are prescribed to you, and know the warning signs of dependency. Many people begin to feel symptoms of withdrawal–such as restlessness, irritability, and physical cravings–and reach for the medication without even realizing how much they depend on it. If you feel you’re becoming addicted, talk to your doctor immediately about the safest way to discontinue using the medication.

Learn how to exercise

Since working out is one of the best ways to help your body feel relief from pain, it’s important to learn how to do it properly, taking into account your needs and possible limitations. Talk to your doctor about the best exercise program for you, keeping in mind that you’ll need to start slowly in order to avoid injury or incurring further pain.

Living with chronic pain can be devastating, particularly if you have always led an active life and would like to continue. However, with a good plan and some help from your doctor, you can make some positive changes that will help you feel better for years to come. Being careful about new routines will help you stay safe while achieving the lifestyle you want.